Upstairs they decided that online cinemas

A curious discussion unfolde in parallel under the post of the famous hero-fighter against corruption in the national cinema, critic, economist and teacher Sergei Lavrov on the topic of support, or rather its lack, for the film distribution market as a whole. Oleg Berezin, chairman of the AVC, the leader of the destitute and deceive, gave a clear and harsh conclusion, in the spirit of wartime, as if in spirit: “But not because we were expelle from the victims! But because in a specific resolution, sabotage!” (we quote the author). Sabotage is the best and shortest term for a situation in which an entire industry was pushe out of the gates of aid distribution, and you can’t imagine.

We forgot

We didn’t have time we work 24 hours, seven days a week without days off and rest,” – how many more reasons have been and will be voice and offere to ordinary entrepreneurs by officials. Today, a huge industry is in idle. They don’t remember Sri-Lanka Phone Number List her. are a great leisure activity for those who are driven into their homes, and this is quite enough for them. The mistake is obvious even according to the polls that are now being conducte. Only open as – there is practically no money. If tax requirements are set in June and settlement accounts are blocke there will be nothing to pay prepayments to distributors. And distributors will definitely want to pay their debts and their usual minimum guarantees.

The webinar organize by

Phone Number List

Roman Isaev did not give an answer on how distributors would work with cinemas. Yulia Muravova, smiling mysteriously and squinting conspiratorially, repeatedly repeate that these conditions would be negotiate closer to the release BX Leads dates individually. Of course, it is also difficult for distributors. They, too, were denie support by the Ministry of Finance itself. Moreover, they strangely refuse – see the first two packages of measures from the. Government, in which they cannot participate, since the industry is not recognize as affecte by all of its OKVEDs. OKVE is another new reality. It was important to correctly and clearly guess with this code and not miss. Our participants in the creative processes missedalmost everything.

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