Hone Skills and Update

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Portfolio Sharpening skills is certainly a must for programmers and developers, including Hatta. Joining the Dicoding platform since 2018, Hatta. Has taken and graduated from several classes including.  Learning to Make Android Applications for Beginners, Starting Programming with Kotlin, Learning Android Application Fundamentals, Starting Programm

Techniques Taken From The Psychology

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Such an agile approach helps a lot then. What is agile marketing? Done is better than perfect The beginnings of agile marketing Advantages of using agile marketing The State of Agile Marketing report from 2020 preicts that 41 percent. of marketers are already using agile marketing. The rest will soon join them. It’s time to […]

The potential of communication using

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This means that your target audience is more interest in. Video content and the focus should be on creating compelling short clips. Get to know your audience and. Try to meet their expectations. Building an organic reach on Instagram is not something that can. Be done overnight, but with the right attitude, you will succe. […]