Here you are already aware of

There you are living the second state: you are aware that you have a problem, however, you have no idea what is happening. When you reach this state, you immediately feel the need to search for information. 3. Aware of the solution searching for information about the problem usually leads you to the next state: awareness of the solution. To continue with the example of the bicycle that we covered in the previous state, you noticed the strange noise in your rear tire and you went to google to search for “why does the rear tire of my bicycle sound strange” and you found an article that explained that this noise is caused by a lack of oil in the rear gear. At that moment, you jumped from state two to three.

If you prefer to hire a service that will

You are now aware of the solution and can start looking. For the best business database product or service to resolve the issue. Aware of the product or service to go to the last state, you will return to google, but you will no longer search for noises on the bicycle, but for “the best bicycle oils” – in case you want to solve the problem with your own hands – or “bike workshops near from my house. If you prefer to hire a service that will solve it for you. Here you are already aware of the product or service you need; therefore, you are already in the fourth state of consciousness. The 4 types of keywords for digital marketing once we have assimilated the four states of consciousness, we will be able to categorize.

Because the classification will be closely linked

The keywords with a more marketing perspective. Because the BX Leads classification will be closely linked. To the behavior of users in each state – which is ultimately the priority objective of a marketing effort -. The four types of keywords that exist when categorized by states of consciousness are: 1. Informative an informative keyword , as its name indicates, is the one that people use when they want to find out about something. Here are the keywords of the second state of consciousness. For example, when a user enters google and types “why does the rear tire of my bicycle sound strange?” he is not thinking about buying anything, the only thing he wants is information about the problem and its possible causes.

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