Exposure to the business category

Let’s compare the generic keyword “air tickets” and the long-tail keyword “discounted air tickets to travel to cartagena next weekend.” Which one do you think receives the most monthly searches on google? Well, obviously, the first, generic ones are highly sought after. Now, which user do you think has more intentions to buy, the one who used the generic one or the one who used the long-tail one? We would bet on the one who searched for “discounted air tickets to travel to cartagena next weekend.” the 4 states of consciousness of consumers the primitive classification of keywords  short tail and long tail as we said is not the only one. There is also a categorization that is much more useful in digital marketing.

For example an individual who does

By the user’s level of awareness  a form business lead of classification that serves to determine their intentions when performing the search. To understand this second form of classification—which we repeat, we consider the best for digital marketing —we first need to delve into the user’s states of consciousness. Below we will explain the four main states of consciousness from a marketing perspective : 1. Not conscious in this state, the user does not know that they have a problem or need. It is a state of absolute isolation in which. Exposure to the business category does not exist or is minimal. For example an individual who does not have.

Aware of the problem the second state

Babies or is surrounded by people. With small children BX Leads does not know that a problem. Called diaper rash exists; therefore, she will never look for how to solve it or what products exist to treat this condition. If your business sells creams to cure diaper rash, as a marketer you would categorize that person as an example of a consumer who lives in a state of non-consciousness. Aware of the problem the second state of consciousness is the one that people experience when they detected the problem or need, but they do not know what causes it or how it is resolved. For example, when you hear a strange noise from the rear tire of your bicycle, you immediately think that something is wrong.

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