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Through its presence on Roblox, Nike has found a lucrative alternative source of income and has forged a much more intimate relationship with its fans. 5. Lean on innovative technologies As digital natives, centennials have grown up in the arms of digital platforms and, therefore, do not take their eyes off the most innovative technologies, which brands must use to generate personalized experiences.

Experiences through which brands

One of the technologies that Generation Z is most interested in is industry email list augmented reality, the use of which is strongly embedded in the daily habits of centennials. Through augmented reality, Generation Z is treated to personalized experiences through which brands can. Let them know that they are not missing out on their wants and needs.

Fashion and virtual reality

Augmented reality, in combination BX Leads with virtual reality. Is indeed a winning duo in the fashion industry. In 2022, and inspired by the metaverse. H&M launched a campaign called “H&M Fitting Room Fantasy”. That amalgamates fashion and virtual reality. Therefore, do not take their eyes off the most innovative technologies. Which brands must use to generate personalized experiences.

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