Dangerous Questions and No Less Bad Advice

The economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic is impressive on an incredible scale. Yuri Kirillov shares his vision of the situation in Russia and the world and tells what consequences the domestic film business should expect. Recently, I have had to write and speak a lot, the benefit of free time in self-isolation in bulk. Cinemas are in complete confusion, there are a lot of questions. Of these, the most asked, especially on this site – about help. When will the state finally intervene and help film distribution? Where is the help of the Ministry of Culture?

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Personally, I consider such questions to be absolutely harmful, as they give market participants unfounded hopes that hinder and set false benchmarks for the business. Nevertheless, let’s try to figure it out together and figure out what Romania Phone Number List we can hope for with a calculator. Every manager knows that one team is not enough to complete any task. We also need resources for implementation. That is, if you instructed Vasya to change the light bulb in the toilet, then you must first supply him with a light bulb and a stepladder, and then pay for the work. We found ourselves not only in the epicenter of the epidemic, but also in a giant economic vortex. Resources are also needed to get out of it. The governments of all leading countries are spending huge amounts of money on support.

America today approved a second $1.5 trillion aid package

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The first package a week ago was $2.2 trillion. Thus, the amount of injections into the economy in the form of distribution of money to BX Leads ordinary citizens and businesses is about 18% of US GDP, or $10,000 for each inhabitant, including babies. In other countries, the amount of support is comparable in volume and even higher (Italy $400 billion, or 20% of GDP, Germany $1.3 trillion, or 35% of GDP). Governments either send money directly to the population, or take on 60-80% of the wages of employees, or give state guarantees for loans, and if the company does not pay the bank, then the state will do it. And sometimes all together.

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