The Ghost Town Problem and the Chicken and Egg Crossroads

The Ghost Town Problem and the Chicken and Egg Crossroads A small aside, before you say “Vic, how am I going to take you seriously if to talk about the problem of the chicken and the egg you put a photo of a rooster as the main post? What a crest the kid has.” Well yes, what happens, the blog is mine and I do what I want. I searched Unsplash for chicken and I found roosters, what are we going to do… Of course, now you go to Airbnb and if you have a property it makes you want to upload it and if you are looking for accommodation it makes you want to rent. You go on eBay and you get lost searching and buying… not to mention that you rescue your collection of Dragon Ball dolls to see if it sells… Right?

You enter Chicfy

You enter Chicfy and you decide to shake your butt and rap for a while… But when it comes to your own project, which you are clear is a great idea, you find yourself at a crossroads that “makes you wonder”: you don’t have enough producers category email list to attract consumers and you can’t attract producers either because there aren’t enough people interested in it. consume . Do you catch? And that’s when we get into the ghost town problem. You have created a city worthy of praise, super beautiful, but empty. And you don’t know how to fill it. And that is where the big problem arises, causing great falls and failures and what motivated this post. What do we do? Where do we start? How can we identify the elements of our model? The first thing we have to be clear about is that our model must be based on supply and demand . There is the supply side and the demand side. TRUE? What we do is put supply against demand or demand against supply. What first? Cachis, again…

The important

The important thing is to correctly identify which is the supply side and which is the demand side. It’s not always easy, even though it seems obvious. As a general rule, the demand side corresponds to people who need something and are willing to pay for it; while the supply side is people who precisely offer that something . This is, for example, the case of Ebay: people offer products that other people BX Leads want to buy. Here you might also think that the easy thing is to see who puts up the money: the buyers put up money and, therefore, are the demand. The sellers put the product and, therefore, are the offer . But then we can complicate things a little more. For example, we could approach a job portal in two different ways. It could be a portal in which companies post job advertisements and people offer themselves for the position or, in another way, directories of professionals open to new opportunities where companies come to choose. 

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