After a rather long period of time, your Dasha returned and immediately went over all the topical topics of the film screening market. They write that you miss me, my good ones, where I disappeared to, you are interested. I’m watching. I’m reading. I even think. These are the times. My topic now is how it happened that since 2020 cinemas in Russia have not been able to become the driving force of the industry. As I think: what is the main thing for the market – a product or an idea and resources for its implementation and promotion.

It doesn’t happen either

They milked the milk from the cow just like that and left it. Why then a “cow producer” and milk production in general, if it is not sold in stores. And why then at all need this milk. However, back to the film industry. Movie theaters have forgotten something important – they are the main – along with finances – resource for its existence. What is the point then to produce a picture, except for the goal – to make money on film production, if no one, in fact, is engaged in it at the box office. This means that without cinemas there is no point in allocating these notorious 14.5 billion for the release of films.

It’s kind of obvious

However, cinemas do not use any methods of pressure to promote themselves to their own place in the chain of market players. It is strange that the leaders of the film industry still do not talk about this. Even during the pandemic, it was clear that there was a problem with Russian content. It is either not enough, or frankly not of the highest quality. Remember, my dears, then the Argument with Disney helped to get out of the pandemic, then Kakha – unexpectedly, then the New Year’s battle with Kholop, then it seems like the Little Humpbacked Horse – and silence fell before Dune. Venom and Spider-Man did not let you die, and it was deep autumn with the beginning of winter.

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