Should We Talk About Festivals

The growing trend in the number of held film festivals and pitching haunts your Dasha. She spoke about the disadvantages of the presente modern trends in the film industry in her blog. Our esteeme editor-in-chief addresse me with such a question and even optimistic enthusiasm last night. Why not talk. Moreover, judging by the number of newsbreaks in the media and in the posts of social networks, it seems that there is nothing more to talk about. We here on Friday for half a day as editors sang a song about 500 grams – no, about 500 packs of popsicles for a birthday. So, if you remember, the Alla Surikova festival in.

Tula opene, where

Yakubovich himself gave real ice cream to citizens on the square. You cannot forbid to live beautifully – such thoughts are more and more often visite by an ordinary employee of a cinema or our editorial office. What the owners think cannot Nigeria Phone Number List be expresse in words – at least censore ones. Why are festivals so annoying? We will not be smart that the Feast during the Plague is not good. If there is a plague, then there is a place for a feast. The holy place is empty… I won’t remember Pushkin either – there you can slip into the question: who invente you, Pushkin’s map? In this form and without a movie. Let’s get back to the topic.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with festivals

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Even vice versa. Holiday. Beautiful people. Famous names will come or will come with any luck. Banquets are organize. Disputes will be opened. Movies will be shown. Someone will be rewarded. Somewhere they will write about it. The event will be ticke. And they will go further for grants to the festival. By chain. I am not BX Leads allowed to spread any rumors here, but I must say that filmmakers know that it is impossible to get money for holding a film festival just like that. Many have tried. True, they say that there are such lucky ones who, for the sake of interest, tried it – and got it. And then they did not know what to do with this money and where to run.

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