Increase your search engine optimization efforts

Brands should carefully monitor sharing activity weeks before an event. Playing to the various peaks and troughs generat by stories that emerge over time. Look beyond the obvious topics people don’t always share what we expect of them. And the best conversations are often spontaneous. The social outreach surrounding the world series was full of memes and emotional appeals. Sure. Highlights and articles may have garner a lot of consumption. But when it comes to Increase your search sharing. We’re more sensitive to content that resonates through laughter and emotional connection.

Both opportunities present unique

For the most part. The nature of these conversations Country Email List cannot be prict – they must be heard. Play to the strengths of each event for most brands. The olympics vs. Super bowl debate boils down to domestic vs. National in scope. However. Both opportunities present unique marketing opportunities. The super bowl is a game of scope and scale. But the structure and calendar of olympic events are very conducive to real-time marketing. With events taking place over several weeks. And each event having its share of rising stars and surprises.

Each shareblock is power by the sharing


Brands have a wealth of stories to tune into and reach unexpect audiences at the right time. With the right message. At sharethis. We use a BX Leads combination of social listening strategies to build bespoke event sponsorship packages we call shareblocks. Each shareblock is power by the sharing activities of more than 210 million users across the web. Incorporating real-time tracking to reach the right users at critical moments. As part of an effective social listening and real-time activation strategy. Shareblock gives brands the ability to own the conversation during key events. In summary.

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