Gregory of Constantinople and the sensational

New Year’s lawlessness ”- the most successful comedy in the history of Russian film distribution. All this was done thanks to the marketing director of the TV-3 channel, Lily Sherozia, who, as a top manager, monitors the work of all teams, helps with her expertise and experience and is a mentor in the profession and a creative guru for me. Of the blockbusters of tomorrow, we are currently marketing the post-apocalyptic action thriller Outpost, which comes out on November 21, and are also working on the second part of the film Policeman from Rublyovka. New Year’s Eve.” For 2020-2022, we already have a number of releases planned, both blockbusters, spectacular films, and copyright films, which we are also actively involved in.

There were two of our films

Kinotavr – The Thunderstorm by Fidelity by Nigina Saifullaeva. Loyalty will be released to the general public on October 31st and then exclusively Tunisia Phone Number List on the Premier platform. That is, we are producing more and more content, and it was necessary that people who specialize in film and film distribution should be engage in this area and not spend their resources on all projects, because it is not always effective. That is, first of all, it is connecte with the growth of content production? Certainly! More and more content is being create for different platforms.

There is an audience that mostly watches

Phone Number List

TV, there are people who prefer to watch content on the Internet, and there are those who like to go to the movies. There is also a universal audience that consumes blockbusters of all kinds. And the promotion of content for different BX Leads platforms has its own characteristics. We see that viewers visit cinemas very selectively. It happens that even such blockbusters as “X-Men. Dark Phoenix”, collect less than expecte. This suggests that the marketing of theatrical releases nees to be change, and very strongly change. It becomes difficult to promote a movie that you have to pay money for, gather. A family, drive to the cinema, park and spend three or four hours in the cinema.

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