Elon Musk Bought Twitter. What Is Going To Change For Marketers?

Love it or hate it, Elon Musk is one of the most eccentric billionaires of our times. His financial decisions and investments give us something to talk about. Even his own tweets can lead to heated discussions on the internet, and between big companies. For sure, this is not the first time Musk made something that impressed us. 

Just three weeks after buying 9.2% percent of Twitter, the owner of Tesla and Space X, took over the whole company. An unexpected plot twist, since the directors were apprehensive about Elon’s purchase of the company.

First let’s remember Elon Musk’s controversial behavior on Twitter and beyond

Musk already complained about Twitter’s moderation tools, although even his anti-vaccine posts and bad “jokes” involving even Hitler were not deleted by us phone number list the platform. One time, he compared the last Twitter CEO, Parag Agrawal, to Joseph Stalin due to these same moderation tools.

For example, in 2018, he faced some problems for making a joke about Tesla private shares on the microblogging platform. Also, a lot of their shareholders have shown discomfort due to his behavior. And the list continues.

Freedom of Speech

what does that even mean for the billionaire? It is important to highlight that he has self-declared as a Freedom of Speech absolutist (despite being harsh against employees and critics), so we could see a lot of this in the months to come.

The main problem is that the vision BX Leads of freedom of speech shared by Musk and other “free speech absolutists” is controversial and can create space for the massive sharing of fake news and radical discourses against minorities, for example. Musk himself has already posted antivaccine posts on Twitter. As an “absolutist”, Musk’s discourse seems to show that being able to broadcast free information is more important than it being safe and responsible.

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