Build brand recognition through your newsletter

Real-time activation should not be limit to spontaneous reactive marketing. Effective social listening strategies should consider the weeks of activity surrounding events and activate key audiences bas on the resulting conversations. Remember to do this: start early by tracking sharing activity weeks before an event look for content that evokes laughter and emotional connections play to the strengths of each event and reach the target audience at the right Build brand recognition time with the right message

Social networks are becoming

Social networks are becoming the most important Email List place to convert fans into customers. According to The Drum. customers who engag with their campaigns on Facebook spent 24% more than those who didn’t. The same study found that people referr through Facebook to make their first purchase spent 30% more. Given the importance of social networks on the purchasing decision. companies should optimize their websites to encourage sharing and convert fans into loyal customers.

Make it socially orient


A conversion page is defin by Affiliate Marketing Review as an important page where the user will complete a request action such as placing an  BX Leads order or filling out an interest form. To engage your fans and push them down the purchasing funnel. you ne to make your conversion pages more social-friendly by including sharing options.

Conversion Scenario 1: A bride is looking for wding shoes. She finds a pair that she likes and wants to consider. so she shares it on her page with the text: “What do you think? Are they wding-worthy?” Her question then elicits responses from friends. family and other connections. As a result. her conversion page gets many more views. and ultimately more purchases.

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