Bohra possesses a small yet opulent car collection

Stealth advertising is not allowed, so the reader must know each time if you receive a commission for the products you recommend. Search engine optimization , add sitemap and robots.txt files to your blog. These help Google index your blog better, which in turn has a positive effect on – surprise surprise – search engine visibility. There should be a title and a meta description in every possible place so that Google understands what your blog is about. Titles and meta descriptions also appear in search results, so you should take your time to write them. meta description, the more people will click on it in Google.

Before search engine optimization

And the more you get free traffic to your affiliate blog. Also, remember to add a “Search” function to the blog’s sidebar so you can see what special data readers are searching for on your blog. Here you will get great ideas for posts and other content. You don’t need to optimize every blog post. It is enough to optimize those where you write a product recommendation and recommend affiliate products.  ensures that you get steady and targeted traffic directly to the product recommendation.

This eases the workload and

 More on this topic: Increase your website BX Leads traffic by 1417% with this free method Producing content and growing your audience Affiliate blog content production should be planned over time. In any case, building an affiliate blog and generating income takes time, so there is no rush to produce content at this stage. Also read this: 123 ideas how to get more readers  to your blog Make yourself a 90-day plan and goal for content production. 90 days is not too long but not too short to see if your strategy is working correctly. 

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