Atresmedia Formación and the audiovisual school Treintaycinco

Atresmedia Formación and Treintaycinco mm sign an agreement. Committed to the personalization of the sector and the training of new talents. The objective of the agreement is for students to attend. Eight masterclasses designed by Atresmedia professionals to train these future professionals. Students will have the opportunity to access 8 appointments between September and December 2022. Each of them will address specific topics in the sector and the reality of an audiovisual team . The training is focused on the real employability of the students.

The professionals who will teach the masterclasses of the agreement

The first masterclass will be « Overview category email list of the Film Script. Taught by Luis Sánchez Polack. This professional is a film. Theater and television scriptwriter. Since 2004 he has alternated fiction with television formats. After this first class, Ángel Morón will address advertising voice-over techniques . He is the author of «And You, how do you tell yourself. Keys to personal. Brilliant and effective communication. On October 5, the main topic will be augmented reality by Jesús Lozano. Who currently holds the position of image and production director. Particular note is the Talent Award that the Television Academy awarded him in 2009.

Atresmedia Formación and Treintaycinco mm

On October 18, Jaime López Amor (head of branded content BX Leads strategy. Transmedia at Atresmedia Studios) will teach students the secrets of the branded content strategy. November 3, Sergio Sánchez. Specialist in environment design, animation and editing. Will give a masterclass on the keys to pre-production . The 17th of the same month, Vanessa Jaklisch, journalist, correspondent and communication specialist. Will show the students “the world of journalism in English and the work of a correspondent.” Finally, in December there will be 2 new calls: « Programming and content management » by Charo Calvo and « Mojo Periodism» .

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