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Display only engines understand the structure and content of your article, website or online store . Including Long Tail keywords in your headlines can improve your rankings in search results. However, make sure that the headings are related to the topic. Lead users to subsequent sections of the article. Placing key phrases in the content and ALT attributes Long-tail. Keywords should be placed in the content of the article in a natural way and appropriate to the context. Also, remember to optimize image attributes like. Title by adding keywords that describe your photos. Internal and external linking.

Selected image from among

Building a network of internal and external links are important activities in the positioning strategy. Take care of a well-thought-out network of internal links on your Photo Retouching website. Link from blog articles to related offer pages – long tail phrases can be used as anchors. Also try to gain external links from reputable sites – this will improve. The authority of the site and translate into better visibility in search results. Long tail marketing – monitoring results Keyword position tracking Regularly monitor the positions of selected keyword phrases to check the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.

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Tools such as or Google Search Console will help you analyze the results. Long tail marketing – website traffic analysis Analyze the traffic on your website or e-commerce store. Check which long-tail keyword phrases generate the most traffic and conversions. Based on BX Leads the conclusions, optimize your strategy. Ongoing keyword research and strategy adjustments. Trends and user behavior are changing. So it is important to conduct keyword research on an ongoing basis and optimize your strategy. Regularly check for new Long Tail keyword phrases that may be relevant to your niche and try to create content related to these phrases.

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