7 Popular Content Types and How to Use Them

But they’re extremely popular. That’s because they’re easy to read. Scannable. Visually appealing. And—when done right—interesting and highly shareable. From a content creation perspective. Listicles are also easy to write. Because once you have a topic and a number. All you have to do is research and fill in the blanks. However. That doesn’t mean you can throw together a listicle without putting any thought into the content because it has to be informative. Relevant and high-quality. Listicle best practices: always remember to number your subheadings in a listicle. And make sure the number matches the title; otherwise. You’ll confuse readers. Like other content types. Lists should still have introductions and conclusions.

You can have as many numbers in your lists

And they should be optimize with relevant keywords. You can have as many numbers in your lists as you like – long lists are just as acceptable as shorter ones – but details are always important. Tip: coming up with catchy and unique titles is an important part of writing list articles. But be sure the heading matches the content (no clickbait). Why choose dmi? 3. Ebooks ebooks are a type of long-form content create as electronic books that are available as pdf downloads or in html format. This type of content can give you a great outlet for sharing your knowlege and expertise on a given topic. Ebooks have many benefits. Including lead generation. Establishing authority. Growing email lists.

Ebook best practices

And beefing up your overall content offering. Ebook best practices: the main focus of an ebook should be providing solutions otherwise. It won’t be of value to your audience. Therefore. Minimize the time you spend on advertising and focus more on generalize solutions. A good rule of thumb for ebooks is to keep the promotional elements to a minimum as you’ve already capture their data. Ebooks can be long. So break up the content using chapters. Subheadings. Bullets. Graphics. Infographics. And other interesting formatting elements.

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